There is no question in my mind about it.
Let me explore this fully so there can be no misunderstanding on this point.
Donald Hartley makes an assertion that would be 100% correct if the premises of the assertion were correct. The assertion is that, the knowingly, false accusation of someone being a child molester would be a terrible evil. I agree that that is true. It would be a very grave, despicable, mortal sin and a disgusting crime.
I am not guilty of this sin. Not even 1%.
What I will concede is that there lies at least the theoretical, though unlikely, possibility that my assertion that Hartley is a pedophile is incorrect and that despite all the multitudinous things that clearly make him look guilty, he isn't.
Now, I'm discussing this merely as a theoretical point though I am certain that the chances of this are about the same as me winning the Powerball, being struck by lightning and being hit by a meteor on the same day.
If this theoretical possibility manifested itself, conceding that I would not be guilty of Slander, would I at least be guilty of gossip or detraction? I am going to say no, and here is why.
I did not repeat something I heard whispered in someone's ears. I repeated the news that a formal accusation was made, documented and submitted by a credible witness and that that accusation was fully vetted by the Parish Priest and elevated to the Diocese and directly resulted in the revocation of his child environment certification.
Further, I did not do so out of malicious intent but to provide a context for Hartley's relentless and unprovoked dozens and dozens of attack articles and podcasts against me.
In just the last week, I made the firm promise to not say anything against him if he would do the same. As always, I kept my word. As always, he didn't.
Yesterday, without any provocation whatsoever, he republished this hit piece.

The title is ironic enough seeing as it is him, not me, acting in this vicious and demonic behavior.
Now is where I am going to get blunt.
I have only seen this type of unrestrained and cold-blooded malice, paranoia and endless obsession once before in my life. The memory of it is an open wound. It was from the man we had to send to prison for 17 years for sexually assaulting my daughters Megan and Melissa.
Donald Hartley and his unimaginably evil wife, Gloria, have openly posited that I somehow enabled this monster or that I even engaged in the crimes myself. Can you imagine a more horrific assertion? Can you imagine a set of minds so evil and cruel that they could conceive something like this?
Here are the facts.
My daughter came forward about these crimes 8 years after they took place. The perpetrator was living almost 300 miles from us when he was arrested. He was found guilty and sentenced to prison in the State of New Jersey in January of 2007. I have never been accused of anything by anyone except these two hell-bound filthy pigs who live in Kansas.
8 years after the sentence, in 2015, my daughters came forward with another, even more horrifying accusation. They both told me that they believed that their mother knew about the crimes and aided in them. I have to be honest and say that I could not process such a horrific possibility and reconcile it with the woman I had been married to for 30 years. To some level, I still can't process it. She left me in October of 2017 because I refused to look the other way at her out-of-control alcoholism and worse. We formally divorced in September of 2018. Tragically, my daughters perceive her as a monster and refuse to reconcile with me because they feel I took the side of the monster. The truth is that I walked through this hell in a haze, not knowing what to believe or how to react. At first, I thought the counsellors placed it in their heads or that they misinterpreted events in some way. Almost 8 years of estrangement, and the guiding hand of God have led me to swallow the bitter medicine that these horrific claims are true. She knew. As horrible as that sounds.
My fallout with Donald Hartley began in the fall of 2021. This was months before his stroke despite his repeated lies to the contrary in attempting to portray himself as a victim. It resulted from my complaint that John Carpenter was openly promoting condemned private revelations and spouting out multiple falsehoods about all of these events, approved, rejected and unapproved.
I felt that an Apostolate called Deeper Truth should live up to its name by being accurate.
The problem was that Hartley went into a blind rage and for three solid months produced hit piece shows and articles, one after another, personally and viciously attacking me because I concluded, based on the clear evidence, that Medjugorje was false.
His reaction caused me, William Hemsworth, Josey Banales, Terry Delp, Michael Cibenko, and countless others to leave Deeper Truth. The level of the vitriol was beyond insane, even sociopathic.
As I mentioned before, I had only witnessed this kind of psychotic behavior once before.
Sadly, the attacks intensified after I left. I would ignore them and say nothing for literally weeks at a time while an unrelenting torrent of venom poured forth from this filthy pig every single day, unprovoked. Sometimes 3, 4, 5 unprovoked attacks in a single day.
This behavior chased away everyone, even the most loyal members of his inner circle. He now has not one single co-member, not one single follower.
Now we know why.
When the facts came out that he had been formally accused of being a child predator and that those accusations were vetted, investigated and substantiated by his diocese, it all made sense.
The child predator is the most obsessed, most paranoid, most cold-blooded and relentless aggressor there is. Donald Hartley's behavior has convinced hundreds, if not thousands of people that he is exactly that kind of soulless, calculating monster, because he is.
In the face of these very serious and very credible accusations, his only response has been to attack the witnesses- his parishioners, his priest, and me.
That is the M.O. of the child predator- the attempted preservation of his own image as a pillar of the community. It is that image that they foster in order to shield themself from suspicion.
We are now past that. Everyone who knows Donald Hartley believes he is a child predator because of the nature of the accusations, the complete and total absence of anyone defending him, or any presented and credible evidence that he is innocent.
As for me, I am actually a very kind, humble, decent and generous man and everyone knows it. Even Hartley. He knows full well that the caricature of me that he has created is less his actual image of me and more a necessary foil to detract attention from his own psychotic and threatening behavior.
True, though I am a very kind, decent and generous man, I am also a deeply wounded and broken soldier. I have been deeply affected by the horrors my family have experienced, and I do occasionally snap from the pain. I feel I have borne up well, by God's grace considering all I have been through.
The fact that the two Hartley's would make sport of something so horrific says all you need to know about what absolutely filthy souls they have. They are both absolute filth. Hellbound garbage.
I absolutely believe Hartley is guilty. I would welcome the opportunity to see the presentation of credible evidence that would force me to admit I was incorrect.
Don't hold your breath.