There seems to be a connection between the terrorist attack on innocent people in New Orleans and the Cyber Truck fire outside of a Trump complex in Las Vegas. These 2 events portend a return to the psychotic violence we saw from the extreme left before - and up to - innaguration day in 2017. I was working in Washington DC that day and I remember.
Donald Trump has been made into a larger-than-life figure both by his sycophants and by his enemies. The former see even the slightest criticism of Trump as treason and heresy while the latter see support of Trump as akin to resurrecting Hitler.
Both sides in this debate are insane.
The real Donald Trump is an oaf with a massive flatulence problem (if personal accounts are to be believed) and a super-sized ego to go with his very limited vocabulary. Notwithstanding, at least some of his policies (particularly the economic ones) can at least be considered somewhat rational as opposed to his 2024 opponents.
By no means does this man have the honor or integrity of someone like Ronald Reagan but certainly doesn't possess the cunning and ruthlessness of Richard Nixon or Barrack Obama either.
The truth is that Donald Trump is the political equivalent of this guy.

In our age of hyper-partisan insanity, we can no longer see a doofus as just a doofus. If he is our doofus, we lionize him. If he is their doofus, we demonize him.
The truth is that there is good and bad in all of us. In the angels we should see traits to which we should aspire. In the demons we should see traits in ourselves that we should be reviled by.
In no way, should our minds be lifting politicians up to heaven nor should we be consigning them to hell. We should be praying for them that God may lead them to salvation and, through them, lead our nation on the right path.
Anyone who thinks that either the Democrats or the Republicans are leading this country on the right path needs to have their head examined.
We have to ask a question though. Who is at fault in that?
It is one thing to look upon our neighbor as a bumbling clown but far more difficult to see this in ourselves. Can we blame politicians for taking advantage of the greed, avarice, discontent and contempt that we project?
If I am a Democrat, am I satisfied with merely reviling the Republican nominee? If I am a Republican, is utter contempt of the Democrat a sufficient platform? They appeal to the lowest common denominator because that is what we give them.
The Bible teaches us a different way. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and pray for them.
Sure, we have heard it and say we believe it but do we?
We all say we want to be like Jesus. Loving Jesus is easy. He is holy, He is good. He is God.
Being like Jesus means loving Judas. It means loving the prostitute, the reprobate. If we want to be like Jesus, we must love the least of us. That means we love the one who hates us, reviles us, slanders us, betrays us and spits on us.
Easy to say. Very hard to do.
Recognizing people as people is a start. Donald Trump is no angel, neither is he a demon. He is no lion, nor is he a pig. He's a person made in God's image and likeness and in desperate need of God's grace like you and me.
Let's get back to religion 101 and stop this hyper idolatry of fallible humans. When we do that, we can stop excusing both the crimes they commit, and the crimes committed against them. We can make this world a better place.