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Gerald Hunt's brilliant response

T4P member Gerald Hunt gave such a brilliant response here, I felt compelled to post it.

An answer to an anti catholic..

"Gerald Hunt :
Think about it. When you die, what do you think you can do for people who pray to you? Will you be able to answer their prayers? How will you hear the prayers of thousands of people praying to you all at once, and in thousands of languages? Including writing down prayers to you, such as in this Facebook group. And also those praying non verbally, how will you hear them.? How will you be everywhere at once to hear them? How will you be able to wisely answer prayer, will you know the future?"

Lots to speak to here. you apparently aren't much of a student of scripture.

First of all, we are told eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has ready for those who love him. So what we CAN do is 1) not known by you. 2) much greater than we can do here. Not less than we can do here.

Secondly the idea that spiritual beings can't "hear " in some way is proven wrong from scripture. Angels are spiritual beings. Do you think they live in complete silence unable to hear and know what other angels are thinking and want to tell them?

Angels who are completely spirit were able to hear what Mary, Joseph, Jesus amd many others were saying without ears. They were able to speak without vocal cords. We won't have our bodies (setting aside the special cases of Enoch, Elijah, Joseph, and possibly Moses for this discussion) until the resurrection. But there is no reason to believe we won't be able to communicate in some way . We are said we will live as Angels so likely the same way as they do.

Third: there is evidence we can hear and know what is going on and "hear" in heaven.

1) We are told there is great rejoicing over one repentant sinner in heaven. How can this be if nothing is known by anyone but God about what happens on earth? And not everyone verbally repents.

2) We are told the Apostles sit on thrones judging nations. How can they judge if the have no ability to hear and know what is going on? This answers your argument about hearing in different languages as well since nations speak in different languages yet at least the apostles can understand them...

3) we are told in Hebrews 12 we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. How can those in heaven witness if they can't hear, understand, and know what is going on here on earth

4) in revelation 4 we are told John is caught up in the Spirit to heaven. He says this:

In rev 4 John was caught up in the 13] And I heard EVERY CREATURE in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all therein, saying, "To him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might for ever and ever!"

For that to be true he just be able to "hear" , understand, and know what is said in different languages everywhere simultaneously. How? I have no idea. But according to God it us beyond what we can do here.

Perhaps rather than just respond immediately you should take some time to read the Scriptures I talked about and think for a bit.

"How will you be able to wisely answer prayer, will you know the future?"

This needs to be answered separately because it shows a complete lack of understanding of our "prayers" to the saints in heaven. The word pray as in 'pray to' is nowhere used in official church documents because it can lead to this type of confusion though in modern day languages, we use the word pray. The church says we ask the intercession. We only ask them to pray to God for us.

We don't claim they bring about the benefits or answer anything. They join with us in prayer to God and HE answers the prayers. They don't need to know the future . We only ask them to pray for us like I might ask you to pray for me.

God answers.

There is evidence of those in heaven praying for us in the book of Revelation but we will see how you deal with all of this

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