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My response to Donald Hartley

This morning, I was stunned to see this.

This is a big step for you, so I have to acknowledge it. My Catholic faith demands that I accept your apology and forgive so long as you are sincere and willing to amend. I will also apologize and forgive but the reconciliation of our relationship is impossible. The damage you have done to my peace of mind, with your obsessive and relentless hate, is incalculable.

If you are truly contrite, never mention my name again, in any context, even positive. I never want to see my name or my apostolate's name, or any of my member's or family's names on any of your media again, even as a response to this.

I absolutely doubt your sincerity, and that you will do the right thing, because even in this so-called apology, you feel the need to take a parting shot "I remember when you were once a Christian". I will resist the urge to respond in kind to such a vicious slander.

You have no clue how much I suffer for Christ every single day. Every single day, without exception.

Don't ever print my name or mention my name again.

Do that, and the bickering ends right here, right now, forever.

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