First, the name-because people ask about it all the time. It's right there in the quote from Mark 12. The love of God must be a complete giving of the Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Physical self. You can hold nothing back. That's what we are trying to do.
The task is daunting because all of us have to fit this into our daily lives of work, family, going to the gym and all the other demands of life. It's daunting because we are trying to be more creative in so many ways and that requires so much learning and acquiring new knowledge and skills to give you a better finished product.
The Great God is showing me every day and more and more and more that daunting does not constitute impossible and if we keep marching forward as prayerful warriors, we can often be astounded at what He can accomplish through us. Not what we can accomplish, mind you buy what He can accomplish through us.
Without Him, I can't.
Without me, He won't.
~ Saint Augustine
This is the notion of synergistic Grace upon which we work out our own salvation in fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12)
The growth of this apostolate will at times be frustratingly slow. Frustrating not because it is not unexpected or unreasonable but because we humans are so impatient. That is part of God's good humor because He builds perseverance in us even as we build this ministry.
So, let me just catalogue the things we are doing and have done.
Our platforms are going to be top level stuff. We have paid the highest premium rate for our Blogtalkradio platform (platinum level) and are putting a team together that is going to give you expertise in theology, philosophy, history, psychological well-being and hands-on apologetics and civic action. The program is on blogtalkradio.com/the4persons and the supporting website is at the4persons.com. We have also purchased top flight equipment and software to support our youtube platform, our blogs, our supplemental audio contributions and our websites. The books and software and content material and experience we bring to the table is quite impressive and growing.
Our content is not being designed to be the same cookie cutter template stuff you often see but real education and spiritual direction brought to you in a fresh, innovative and engaging format.
The process has begun to make this a 501c3 and eventually move to full time status.
Eventually, you will be able to support us, should you so choose, with your tax deductable contributions. Right now you can support us by promoting our content and getting involved. There are a hundred big and small ways that you can help. Please email us at email@the4persons.com to learn more. Please keep us in your prayers.